Please keep an eye out for emails on updates on church services. Please email us if you'd like to be added to these emails.
Visit 3 Bucks Churches on You Tube for regular online services:
Join in with the Church’s daily rhythm of prayer Monday to Saturday
Here are some resources to use:
A simple form of Morning Prayer attached (set up to print as a booklet). You can also pick up and take away a printed copy from each church.
The Daily Prayer resources on the Church of England website – For Morning, During the Day, Evening, or Night. Go to:
These services are updated with the readings for each day and can also be accessed through a free App accessed via a link at the bottom of the web-page
Incorporate some of the special prayers provided by the Church of England into your existing devotions. Go to:
This includes a section of prayers especially written for children
Give to the church by standing order
We are committed to keeping up with our payments through this period, but our income relies heavily on collections taken at services. If you are in a position to do so, we would hugely appreciate anyone who is able to give a regular amount per month by standing order. We are praying for all those who are suffering financially as a result of coronavirus, and that includes people in our own church family. Many thanks for considering this.
Please email us at for more details.
Take action to care for others where you live
Swap phone numbers with your neighbours - use the village telephone list
Foodbank support
Please leave any donations in the phone box – this is collected regularly every week.
Or, donate financially to the Thame Foodbank: Via BACS to ‘Sharing Life Trust’; S/C: 30-98-56; A/C 01335266
Or, The Aylesbury Foodbank: Online at
Stay connect on village communication channels (email / website / social media) so that you are ready to offer and request help where needed.
Sunday worship – one body worshipping together from many locations
A service from the Diocese of Oxford will be live streamed every Sunday at 10am. As many of us as possible are encouraged to join in with this from home
Sunday Worship is broadcast every Sunday on Radio 4 8.10am. The BBC has also announced plans to show a service on BBC1 on Sunday mornings so long as resources allow
We’ll send details on how to access these in a regular weekly email, and on our website,
There are many more prayer and Sunday Worship resources available on the Church of England’s website:
And finally, please remember to stay in touch over the phone - call Rev Richard on 01844 208987 for a chat or if you know someone who would like help